Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Taste of Seattle

Today was a beautiful day here down south. The sun was shining, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and the ocean was as warm as bath water. Doesn’t sound like Seattle weather to you? Didn’t think so, but see if this rings a bell. Pouring down rain and the sound of water dripping off the roof onto the trees and ground below sound a little more like it? This is a sound that I have grown to miss. Shocking to some of you maybe, but I speak the truth. The rain falls differently here. It doesn’t sound the same as Washington rain. It is also extremely warm here WHILE it’s raining, another new phenomenon I have grown accustomed to. After a gorgeous day of sunshine, the sky and surrounding air transformed into a thunder and lightening storm. The thunder is so powerful it feels as though the house shakes. The lightening lights up the sky so bright it looks as though it is daytime. Unlike Washington thunder and lightening, here it is continuous; it goes on and on for hours. Jagged bolts paint across the canvas sky illuminating the world beneath it. The thunder rolls and starts quiet, gradually becoming so loud you can’t help but think to yourself the earth might explode. Have you ever seen the movie Fantasia? The lightening here mimics the scene of the Greek Gods fighting against each other; throwing lightening bolts at one another. So vivid are the toothed bolts all across the sky.

Even though it is warm outside as this storm rolls through, I am loving my small taste of Seattle. Drip, drip, drip; a sound I haven’t fallen asleep to in over a month. Tonight it is once again my lullaby.

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