Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Death By Jelly Blob

Hello all!

I haven’t had the chance to write in a few days but my parents and I had a blast spending time together here down south. I was sad to say goodbye but am so grateful for the time we had. Over the weekend we spent time at the beach and in the ocean where I experienced my first jelly blob attack. I was swimming under and over the waves, minding my own business, when out of nowhere this massive jelly blob leapt out of the water, teeth bearing, tentacles waving in the wind, bee lining for my face! Okay…not really. BUT it really did come out of nowhere and I hit it with my hand. I felt something squishy, screamed, and rode the next wave into shore.

One perk that comes with making friends with one of the security guards at one of the entrance gates is that I was provided with a guest pass for my parents. This way, they could come and go to the plantation as they please without having to convince whoever is working at the gate that they aren’t up to any funny business. Good thing too because my parents totally look like the type to cause mischief : - ) Anyway, the photos of us on our beach cruisers was from the morning we rode around the plantation and toured everywhere I work. We biked down to the beach I take the guests when I lead sunrise beach walk, out to the golf courses where the gators hang out, and to the institute where I teach classes, workout, eat, and where our offices are. I loved being able to show them everything so they can picture where I am when I tell them what I’m up to. They even got to meet one of my bosses and some of the guests that I have gotten to know pretty well. It was a very fun afternoon!

I also posted some fun photos of us on the beach and from our nightly walks to the plaza for ice cream. We took a lot of photos that I don’t have the space to post so here is the link to a website where my dad has posted all of the photos! You should check it out because it has some pictures of where I work. I still want to/need to walk around and take more photos of where I’m living and where I work but looking at the ones my dad took you will get the gist of it.

It was a fabulous week and a true blessing to be able to share this experience with my parents. I’m sad that Billy wasn’t able to come check it out, but we were thinking of him wishing he was with us!

Love and miss you all,

More to come as the week continues!

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