Sunday, June 13, 2010

Graduation Weekend

I have just experienced the quickest, yet at times slowest, 48 hours of my life. How is this possible you might ask? Well, my journey started at 5am Friday morning when I got up to go to the Hilton Head Island airport for my 6:50am flight to my connecting flight and then on to Seattle. Long story short, my flight got canceled, causing me to miss my connecting flight. I was shuttled to the Savannah airport in Georgia where my plane finally took off at 12:30pm (by noon I was supposed to have already landed in Seattle and have been on my way to Ellensburg). At 6:00pm I finally landed in Seattle and got picked up by my wonderful parents and brother! Couple hours later we were in Ellensburg and I was able to spend time with my wonderful girls! I can’t explain how good it was to see them and be able to catch up. The passed 8 weeks have flown by but at the same time I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve been able to catch up with and hang out with my friends.

Saturday morning was graduation! I have posted photos of Kristen, Sarah and I waiting in line to walk into the stadium as well as while we were sitting through the ceremony. We had a beautiful day for an outside graduation. It wasn’t too hot; sunny with blue skies, no wind, no rain. I’m so happy that I was able to come home for this experience. It was amazing sharing the moment with my family and closest friends. I couldn’t stop smiling and yes, there were a couple glistening tears here and there. After graduation we joined Kristen and her family at her boyfriend Jason’s house for sandwiches. It was so hard to say goodbye to Sarah and Kristen and their families : -( I miss everyone so much; it was such a treat to come back even for just one day. After all of the photos were taken, and most of the food was gone, we traveled back to the Westside to spend the rest of the afternoon/evening at my Grandparents house on Lake Washington. What a treat to see both sets of grandparents on my graduation day! It was fabulous lying out in the sun, sipping on lemonade, and catching up with Grandma and Papa. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to end this short and sweet visit to Washington State. (When in the south one must clarify they are talking about Washington State rather than Washington D.C.)

At 9pm Saturday evening there I was at the airport once again flying south. I didn’t want to leave Washington; I wasn’t ready to leave the Pacific Northwest during this beautiful time of year. These are my favorite months to be in Seattle; on the lake, walking around the city, on the ferries… I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my friends and to college. Even though I haven’t been in Ellensburg since December, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to the last 4 years of my life that have been so good to me. I have missed Washington State more than I ever thought that I would. Even though I was only back for a short time, it was what I needed; it was refreshing and a tiny break that I needed to push me through the next 8 weeks away. Thank you so much to my family and friends for making it a phenomenal 24 hours and a fantastic experience! I love you all so very much.

Anyway, my redeye flight heading south went smoothly. Left Seattle Saturday night at 11:30pm and arrived at Hilton Head Island at noon on Sunday. The time on the planes and waiting in all the different airports went by painfully slow, but the time I had with my friends and family went all too quickly. I couldn’t believe I’d flown across the country, graduated, and flown back all in just over 24 hours. On that note, I’m exhausted and am going to bed. Enjoy the photos, there are more to come of me and the fam once my daddy e-mails them to me : -)

WOOT WOOT Central Washington University Alumni!

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